Free Traffic VS Paid Traffic  

Free traffic Firstly let me tell you this, there is no such thing as free traffic. You may think it is free because you have not spend any money on getting that traffic. But it has cost you your time. And time is money. You might currently be makin...

Why you need a blog – ways to make money blogging

 Free video recording software If you don’t have a blog online you should start one. Did you know you can make money blogging, even with a free blog. Especially with platform such as blogger which is owned by google and they actually encourage you connect an adsense account so you can make money from your content. But there are other ways too.  More on that later.  Don’t let fear hold you back, start one today and just put down your thoughts. If you are like me and English isn’t my first language. Sometimes when I think of something and it sounds great and dandy in my head but for some reason it does not read too well on print. So I like to do videos and they are free tools you can use to record videos and host it on youtube. There are so many free resources on the internet it’s not funny. So there’s no excuse for you not to have a blog. It’s a place for you story so you can share who you are and what you are doing and just document your journey. It’s a place for you

Why you need a blog - ways to make money blogging

If you don’t have a blog online you should start one. 

Did you know you can make money blogging, even with a free blog. Especially with platform such as blogger which is owned by google and they actually encourage you connect an adsense...

You can read a summary of the video below and find the link to the free video recording software.

Wordpress Theme - Plugin Finder

Have you ever come cross a website or blog and thought the theme they had is cool. Wondered what theme they were using? Or they had a cool feature on the site and you think it'll work great on your site as well but can't quite figure out what plugi...

Muliti Level Marketing (MLM) Business – Does it work?

Do you understand the numbers when it comes to muliti level marketing?

I'm going to show you exactly how it works and you can decide if you can make it work for you!

Click on the picture below to find out.

Cartoon Yourself Free for Your Blog

In this video I'm going to show you how you can cartoon yourself - a look alike caricature. How you can get the picture for free to use on your blog.

Are you ready to work on your dream?

I’m about to share with you something that will either motivated you 
or turn you away from pursuing entrepreneurship.

Most marketers out there are pushing everything off these days
as “push button easy”, pretending they work 2 hours a day.
And why they’re banking hard and living the laptop lifestyle.

This could be true for some of them, but a lot of them are BS’n. It takes hard work up front to build a dream lifestyle.

Behind every massive successful person you see they put hard work in upfront to get to where they’re now.

Once you put in the work you can automate things to work a couple hours a day by having employees and VA’s doing a large percentage of the work.

However if you think you will come into this business and put in the least amount of work and you will reap massive benefits I got news for you——you should keep your day job.

It always amazes me when people ask for help, but they expect to not have to
work hard because it’s online business.

People go to a job and their boss makes them work hard for their dream and pay

them a tiny percentage of what they’re worth, give laughable raises and tell them
when they can take a vacation.

But…..when it comes to working towards their own dreams they want to half ass it.

Are you willing to make sacrifices for a few years so you can live free the rest of your life moving forward? 

You can either make sacrifices now and reap the rewards forever. Or
take the “something for nothing mentality” and you better get used to working
for someone else.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Comment below!!!!!!

Are the people in your life lifting you up or holding you back?

If the people in your life don't compliment your life.

If they don't add value to your life.

If they don't inspire you to do better things.

If they don't believe in you.

If they don't support you in everything you do.

…..And if they're not in your corner when you need them, then
you need to get rid of them right now.

You can't afford to have people in your life that pollute your mind.

You can't afford to have people in your life that tell you that you're
wasting your time pursuing your dreams.

You can't afford to have people around you that knock you down.

Let me ask you a question……

Would you allow a garbage truck to back up to your house and dump trash
in your living room?

Then why do you let people around you talk about negative things, why do you
let them tell you that you're getting your hopes up, why do you let them tell you
that you can't be successful and why do you listen to them complain on a day to
day basis?

When you have these types of people in your life they're holding you back.

I realise that could be your family members, that might be your best friend or maybe
that is your spouse.

If thats the case you might have to not share your dreams with them, you may need
to distance yourself from them until you're successful and you may have to shut them
out so they don't pollute your mind.

These types of relationships can sometimes be painful to distance ourselves from, but
you can't afford to have negative minded people dragging you down when you're pursuing your dreams.

Your mind is like a Ferrari it needs high performance fuel. If you fuel up your Ferrari with
unleaded gas it's not going to run like it should.

Your mind is no different.

If you have people in your life holding you back it's time to reflect on how to deal with the situation.

Your success depends on it.

If you’re unteachable you will never get far in this business.

If you want to become successful then when someone who makes a lot more money than you tells you to do something you should be listening.

I used to think I had all the answers and I thought I could cut corners and just do what I wanted to do.

So if they gave me 5 steps I would only do 3 steps because the other 2 made me do something I wasn’t comfortable doing.

Is it a shock I got half ass’d results because of it?

I had to learn to check my ego at the door and listen to people more successful than myself.

I started doing the things they told me to do even when I didn’t want to do them.

It’s fine to come up with your own way of doing things, but wait until you’re already doing well online then make your own systems.

Until then tap into systems that already work and follow what successful people tell you to do.

If you only do what you want to do you will most likely get mediocre results.

This business is not normal.

It’s not normal to make peoples whole month paychecks in a day.

So you need to learn a few skills first and if you don’t know how to do those skills it’s much easier to listen to someone who does.

I’m a constant student.

In fact I’m a sponge and I’m still actively seeking information from higher level marketers every day.

What I make monthly I consider peanuts compared to what I’m capable of, but that requires me to remain humble, keep learning and always be a student.

Once you think you have it all figured out is the very moment it can all come crashing down!!!

Have you failed?

Are you failing right now?

Feeling a bit frustrated?

Wondering why you’re not making a ton of money for your efforts?

Right now, this very moment you’re experiencing what many before you

You’re going through some of same struggles, you’re battling your mind and
self doubts and you’re hearing the same comments from others telling you
that you’re a dreamer or can’t do it.

This is part of the journey.

No entrepreneur got to where they wanted to be without having struggles
and obstacles they had to overcome.

This is what separates the broke people from the successful.

The “normal people” will give up as soon as it gets hard, but people who
are meant to be leaders keep fighting and don’t let anything stop them.

I faced some of the same things you’re going through right now and I
kept telling myself I can get through this and I’m meant to be successful.

If you keep pushing though the frustrations you can only fail so many times
before you hit your break through moment.

Once you get to the top there is very little competition.

All the competition is at the bottom where all the normal people reside.

It’s harder to scrape by than it is to thrive.

Keep pushing through those barriers because they’re just there to test