Most people want to get rich quick…..

We live in a A.D.D. society.

We want things right now without having to
do the work to get them.

We want someone to skip us to the front of
the line and show us exactly what to do.

But…..if people spend more time on focusing
on mastering their craft, becoming a better version
of themselves and stepping into that leadership ability
the money will follow.

If you want to make a lot of money in this industry
you want to become a producer not a consumer.

You see producers focus on becoming the best at
their craft.

They're willing to give up whatever time and make
whatever sacrifices are needed to become the BEST
in their field.

These people are the ones people follow their every
word, buy whatever they're selling and look to them to
guide them.

Then there are the consumers which are the people who
buy product after product and they consume unlimited amounts
of information.

They keep looking for the "secret" when in fact the only secret is
hard work, lots of dedication and becoming a master at your craft.

The consumers are 99% of the population.

This group of people make the other 1% rich.

They crave information and solutions to their problems.

The producers simply figure out what the consumers want and
give it to them.

So if you're the consumer it might be time you start thinking about
switching over the producer side.

Start learning to make sacrifices and master the skills you need to

Stop being scared of failing and look at it as a learning experience.

Enjoy the journey along the way because it's more rewarding when
you look at everything as a part of the process and know that it's guiding
you to bigger and better things.

Soon enough you will be in the producer category and people will be looking
to you to provide them with the solutions to their problems.

You can then write your own pay check because you now have specialised knowledge
and whenever you want a pay raise you simple increase your prices.

It's a very simple equation of supply and demand.

Learn to become the best at your craft and you can create whatever lifestyle you

Life is a process of becoming.

You are constantly in the process of becoming. You are constantly in the process of growing, no matter what your age or what you've already been through. At the end of this day you will not be quite the same person you were when you woke up. You will have learned new things, lived through new experiences, known some new accomplishments and some disappointments.

Today is your opportunity to mold yourself and to direct your life. The person you are tomorrow will depend on how you live each moment of today. It's a serious responsibility and a great opportunity.

The moments of this day may seem quite ordinary as you go through them. Yet every day is important, every moment is special and vital. They are your opportunities to live, to love, to grow, to learn, to accomplish, to become, to fulfill.

Rather than just looking at this day as another one to endure, see in it the wondrous amount of living with which it can be filled. Give today your best, and its golden treasures will be yours.

Don't fantasize, take action!

Don’t fantasize about being successful, but instead do what it takes to become successful. 

When I started in this industry and I always used to read others success stories and watch the people who were doing well and see all the cool stuff they were doing. 

Then one day it hit me……there success doesn't help me at all.

It was that point when I set out to take the actions necessary to obtain the same life they had. If you’re not working on building your business daily, your goals and dreams are nothing but a fantasy.

Welcome to Liwen Zhang's Blog

Welcome to my new blog!

This blog will about some of the great things that I am doing to re-create my career, financial and family life. I firmly believe I am in charge of my life and destiny and I am determined to create a life of my dreams!

You may or may not know my story, if you are one of my friends reading this then it's old news.

I have been working for the public service in Australia for the past 6 years, I'm not very happy with what I see going on in the workplace with how other people and myself are treated.

You may know what I mean.......or know someone who is the same position as me.

Well things are about to get interesting!

Anyway I will be keeping a record of how I am escaping the rat race.....possible how I can help you do the same. So Please come back soon as I will be adding more pages very soon!